Version 3.6 Update

Today, I redirected all traffic for Repeat the Ending from IFDB to What is IFDB? The Interactive Fiction Database is a review and ratings aggregator, as well as an index of pointers for interactive fiction games. It does not store any games. I decided to funnel traffic here because I like knowing when people check out my game. <3

This was also an opportunity to consolidate versions. Inform 7, the language/platform out of which Repeat the Ending was built, has not seen an update to its web presentation format in a long time, so I had a heavily customized web release as well as a separate release for local play. Today's update to version 3.6 closes those gaps. There is now only one version of the game across local and web platforms.

Because saved games in Inform 7 are not compatible between versions, you may have a problem if you have been using an older version. Let me know if you have any problems with saves! Hopefully, I can help.

Unless I get bug reports or requests, I only expect to make one more update to Repeat the Ending, which will involve more granular hinting with regard to scoring points. Thanks for checking out my game!


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